Thursday Doors – old becomes new

Remember that time I posted about Teneriffe? About 2km up the river from there is the suburb of New Farm, which I suppose is also quite upmarket (and, yes, there was once a farm there, dating back to the 1800s). There’s a lovely boardwalk connecting the two suburbs, and it’s perfect for an afternoon stroll. A few weeks ago, when I walked along the river here, there was even a small wedding ceremony taking place just off to the side. On regular days, the boardwalk is popular with dog-walkers, joggers, and even fishermen.

New Farm is home to the Powerhouse arts centre, which was actually a power station back in the early 1900s. Isn’t it fascinating how buildings get transformed and repurposed like that? I wonder what buildings I know now will have new identities in 10, 20 or 50 years’ time…

The Powerhouse has a few theatres for showcasing various performing arts, but also has a decent gallery space. This is where I saw the World Press Photos exhibit back in August.

I think I must’ve been too busy looking out onto the river and up at the sky to take much notice of what buildings (and doors) I was walking past along the way, but once I reached New Farm, I was met by this curious specimen:


The sign on the door reads: Warning. Keep clear. Door may open at any time

As you can see, it’s on the second floor, and essentially opens out into thin air. This makes me particularly confused about why it might “open at any time”. Maybe it’s a relic from the building’s power station days? I was tempted to just take a seat and wait for it to open, but, alas, I did not have much time for dawdling that afternoon, and “any time” is a very vague notion. I do like the door’s solid, industrial sort of appearance though.

Around the Powerhouse and the parks nearby, there are plenty of interesting residential buildings and homes too. This one really caught my eye, although with a vestibule like that (not to mention the ironwork on that door), it’s a bit hard to miss.


Dark bricks and black doors seem to be a theme around here. Well, maybe not really much of a theme, but I did come across this rather austere door just down the road:


Despite the interesting design, I thought this was just an ordinary apartment complex. However, a quick internet search revealed that this building does have a bit of history (it was built back in the 1930s), and even has its own Wikipedia page. The more you know, hey?

Thursday Doors is run by Norm 2.0. Please visit his site to find links to other participating blogs (or to add yours to the list if you want to join in!)

5 thoughts on “Thursday Doors – old becomes new

  1. That first one is certainly a bit of a mystery but I’ll make sure to heed the warning 😉
    The last shot is my fave. Classic clean lines and offsetting brick.

  2. I’m imagining the first door like that of a cuckoo clock, opening and closing…but what would pop out? 🙂 I’d definitely stay away from underneath it in case something falls down as well. I like the other two doors as well, but they’re more “normal.”


    • That’s a good point about things falling down from it! I’ll be sure to stay well clear of it next time I’m walking past. The idea of a big cuckoo clock type mechanism is actually quite spooky

  3. Pingback: Thursday Doors – Bent Books | pistachio conspiracy #63

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